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  • Coarse calico-ranfors

    Coarse calico-ranfors

    <p>SWIT HOME presents more than 380 models of high quality bedding sets made from 100% natural coarse calico fabric.</p> <p><span> Coarse calico ranfors is a dense weave fabric made of natural cotton fibers. Ranfors coarse calico is especially durable due to the plain weave of twisted yarns. </span></p> <h2>Distinctive features of bed linen from coarse calico-ranfor</h2> <p><strong> <span> Hygienic. </span></strong> <span> Natural cotton fabric is highly breathable and absorbs moisture. Thanks to these properties, an optimal microclimate is maintained in bed: the body does not sweat, breathes easily. Also, cotton has antibacterial and antifungal properties - allergens, microorganisms, fungal spores never start in the sleeping bed. This quality is especially important for people with sensitive skin and allergies. Also, a bed of coarse calico-ranfors is ideal for families with small children, for teenagers. </span></p> <p><strong> <span> Supports temperature balance. </span> </strong> <span> В hot summer nights a bed of coarse calico-ranfors gives a feeling of coolness, does not soar, does not cause excessive sweating. In winter, the set, on the contrary, accumulates heat, creating comfort and the effect of soft enveloping in warmth. </span></p> <p><strong><span> Light</span></strong> <span>. Despite the high density, the canvas is light. It is practically imperceptible by the body, since it does not exert pressure, has a high hygroscopicity and air permeability. </span></p> <p><strong> <span> Retains the brightness of the color. </span></strong> <span> The fabric is created on the basis of innovative technologies. Initially, cotton undergoes special processing and bleaching. And only then drawings and ornaments are applied to the pure white color. Thanks to persistent, high-quality and safe dyes, the canvas is perfectly stained and retains the brightness and clarity of the pattern after repeated washings without changes. </span></p> <p><strong> <span> Low crease </span> </strong> <span>. A coarse calico bed even in the morning has an attractive appearance, as if it had just been made. The sleeping place remains level and practically not crumpled. This feature allows you to quickly and easily iron the kit after washing without much effort. </span></p> <p><strong> <span> Nice to touch </span> </strong> <span>. The fabric is soft and silky, extremely comfortable on the body. The light texture of the canvas helps to relax the body during rest. Also, calico ranfors is not electrified. </span></p> <p><strong> Durability. </strong> Cotton is one of the most durable materials. The special weave of twisted fibers gives additional strength to the fabric. A bed made of coarse calico-ranforce serves for a long time. Its appearance remains flawless even after many years of use: the bed does not shrink, does not fade, does not change its density.</p> <h3><span> </span> How to care for a set of bed linen</h3> <ul><li>After unpacking, it is advisable to wash a new set</li> <li>Before washing, it is better to turn the pillowcases and duvet cover inside out, so the pattern will retain brightness longer</li> <li>Temperature conditions for washing in an automatic machine from 30 to 60C</li> <li>It is possible to use any detergents, stain removers (no chlorine!), as well as conditioners</li> <li>Washing mode - delicate, with the least number of revolutions</li> <li>Before drying the cloth is better shake and stretch evenly on a rope or dryer. It is ideal to dry in the open air, avoiding direct sunlight.</li> <li>The kit is easier to iron in a slightly under-dried state. If the bed is dry, steam or moisten the fabric with water from a spray bottle.</li> </ul><h3><span> </span><strong> <span> Why is it profitable to buy a bed in </span> <strong> <span> SWIT HOME </span> </strong> </strong></h3> <ul><li><strong> European size standards </strong>. In our online store you can order a set for a single bed, one and a half or double. With non-standard sizes of bedding, orders for individual production of sets for hotels, kindergartens, sanatoriums are accepted.</li> <li><strong> Various manufacturers. </strong> Bed linen sets made of coarse calico are presented by well-known foreign and domestic brands .</li> <li><strong> Variety of colors. </strong> More than 380 models of bedding sets from calico ranforza in various colors and styles are presented: floral motifs, classic, avant-garde, oriental ornaments, various prints.</li> <li><strong> Reasonable prices. </strong> In "Sweet Home" you can buy inexpensive but high-quality linen made from natural fabrics. Premium kits from world famous brands are also available.</li> </ul>
  • Silk satin

    Silk satin

    <p> Even 200 years ago, only Chinese emperors and their families could afford to sleep in silk. Thousands of years ago, the healing qualities of the finest silk fiber were noticed: during a night of relaxation in silk attire, a representative of the upper class acquired extraordinary body strength and clarity of mind. Nowadays, everyone can afford the luxury of emperors. </p> <p> <span> </span> Swit Home online store presents a collection of exquisite bedding made from natural silk and satin from world famous brands. </p> <h2> <strong> <span> Unique features of silk and satin bedding </span> </strong> </h2> <p><strong> <span> Has therapeutic properties. </span> </strong> <span> Medical research has scientifically proven and substantiated the benefits of natural silk for the human body. The finest silk fibers obtained from silkworms contain 18 different amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system of the human body. Natural silk also contains such a unique substance as fibrion. This is a protein that heals the skin, relieves irritation, and stops the inflammatory processes of the epidermis. Fibrion also has a rejuvenating effect on skin cells. Since ancient times, Chinese women have rubbed their bodies with silk cocoons to make their skin particularly soft and tender. Modern doctors recommend sleeping in silk beds for people with joint problems, back pain and various skin diseases. It has been proven that natural silk relieves pain, soothes itching, and promotes the speedy healing of damaged soft tissues. </span> </p> <p><strong> <span> High hygiene qualities </span> </strong> <span>. Natural silk of the highest quality belongs to the hypoallergenic group. It is absolutely safe to sleep in it for asthmatics, small children, allergy sufferers, as well as people experiencing attacks of suffocation in hot weather. The material does not attract dust, has antistatic qualities. Also, silk and satin are resistant to pathogenic microflora, fungi, mold. Ticks and allergens never accumulate in silk canvases. </span> </p> <p><strong> <span> Good heat transfer and hygroscopic qualities. </span></strong> <span> If you examine the thinnest silk thread under a microscope, it can be noted that inside it is hollow and has a cylindrical structure. Due to this, silk perfectly absorbs moisture coming from the human body. Instantly skips evaporation while remaining dry. Silk and satin fabrics also have the ability of thermoregulation: both in winter and in summer, the optimal temperature for human health is maintained in a silk bed. </span> </p> <p> <span> </span><strong> <span> Comfort. </span></strong> <span> The unusually soft bedding is pleasant to the touch. It does not leave creases on the skin after a long sleep, which means it does not provoke the formation of wrinkles. Lying in a silk bed, one feels like the pores of the skin breathe. At the same time, silk never causes a greenhouse effect, but on the contrary, in the heat it has a cooling effect and in the cold season creates a comfortable, warm microclimate in bed. Lying in bed from silk or satin, muscle relaxation is felt, the body is immersed in relaxation, sleep becomes calmer and more beneficial. </span> </p> <p><strong><span> Durability.</span> </strong> <span> The finest silk yarn is one of the strongest natural materials. Silk-satin bed is light and thin, but at the same time durable, does not fade under the sun, does not fade or deform with frequent washing. </span> </p> <h3><strong> <span> The advantages of a bed made of silk- by Switch Home </span> </strong> </h3> <p><strong> <span> The price meets the quality. </span> </strong> <span> Buying a set of silk bed linen at Swit Home - you you invest money in your health, making sleep not only pleasant, but also more useful, better quality. </span> </p> <p><strong> <span> Perfect quality. </span> </strong> <span> Refined, elegant bed linen is created on modern equipment in compliance with European quality standards. Everything is perfect in silk satin bedding sets: from the quality of the seams to the packaging aesthetics. </span> </p> <p><strong> <span> Gift sets. </span></strong> <span> You cant think of a more sophisticated gift for an anniversary or wedding than satin chic bedding. Bed sets made of natural silk have such a long service life that your gift will be remembered for the coming decades. </span> </p> <p><strong><span> Discounts.</span> </strong> <span > The online store constantly operates a system of discounts and promotions. Even the most expensive set of exquisite silk satin bedding can be bought at a bargain price. </span> </p> <p><strong> <span> Different sets of sets. </span> </strong> <span> В Swit Home collection (Sweet Home) presents 26 types of different sets for bed sets of different sizes and configurations. You can buy luxurious bed linen for a double bed with many pillows, and for a one and a half berth of European standards. </span> </p>
  • Satin


    <p> For people who do not skimp on their health and comfort, the quality of sleep is important. Deep and healthy sleep can only be provided by high-quality bed linen made from natural fabrics. Satin bed is one of the most popular, as it has all the important qualities: delicate, strong, natural, durable, does not require special care. </p> <p> Online store SW <span> EE </span> T <span> HOME </span> offers more than 800 models of exquisite bed sets of various sizes and configurations from the best and most trusted manufacturers. It is easy to choose a high-quality bedroom set in our catalog for a large, medium or single bed. </p> <h2> What is satin? </h2> <p> Satin is a 100% natural fabric made from cotton. The fabric acquired its name due to the satin weave of cotton fibers: denser threads form the basis of the fabric and the finest twisted thread is laid out on the front of the fabric. Thanks to this intricate weave, the fabric has a rougher underside and a glossy top, very similar to natural silk. Also, satin is characterized by high strength, which is explained by a strong plexus of fibers, where 1 thick twisted thread for the front side accounts for 4 thick wrong threads. The double-sided structure of the linen ensures maximum comfort of the bed linen: the satin bed does not slip on the sleeping area thanks to the rough inside. The silky front side with a noble glossy shine is extremely pleasant for the body. </p> <h3><strong> <span> Benefits of the SW satin bed </span> </strong> <strong> <span> EE </span> </strong> <strong> <span> T </span></strong><strong><span>HOME</span></strong> </h3> <p> <strong> Hygroscopic. </strong> Natural Cotton absorbs moisture and fumes from the human body well and dries quickly. Thanks to these qualities, even in hot weather with increased sweating, the bed remains dry. </p> <p> <strong> Breathability </strong>. In a satin bed, there is a constant microcirculation of air, heat and vapors. The fabric does not cause a “greenhouse effect." </p> <p> <strong> Low thermal conductivity </strong>. Cotton satin is pleasant for a naked body in the summer, as it has a cool glossy silk. In winter, on the contrary, satin keeps cozy warmth inside the bed. </p> <p> <strong> Aesthetic look </strong>. Satin has a glossy texture reminiscent of silk sheen. The canvas of the perfectly correct and durable structure always looks respectable, even after several years of operation. Satin bed does not lose its brightness and does not deform when washed and ironed frequently. </p> <p> <strong> Lightness. </strong> Strong material does not add excessive weight to the bedding set. Sleeping under a blanket in a satin duvet cover is comfortable: the body breathes and relaxes without feeling pressure. </p> <p> <strong> Does not crinkle </strong>. A satin bed always looks neat, even and ironed. Due to the low crease of natural linen, the set after washing lends itself well to ironing with an ordinary iron without a steam generator. </p> <p> <strong> Not high price </strong>. With all its similarity to natural silk in terms of external data and properties, satin underwear is much cheaper. This is explained by the difference in the cost of raw materials, but not by the difference in quality. </p> <h3> Features of satin bedding </h3> <p> <strong> Durable. </strong> The wear resistance of a satin bed is due to the special weaving of natural cotton fibers . The sleeping set retains its perfect appearance even after 300 wash cycles. If you wash a satin bed 2 times a month (taking into account a removable set), then, practically, it will be enough for the next 12 years. In the future, the quality of the fabric will remain unchanged, it can only become a little less bright coloring. </p> <p> <strong> Does not sit down when washing </strong>. The convenience of a satin bed also lies in the fact that it is easy to care for: it can be washed in an automatic machine (temperature 40C) with ordinary washing powders. The fabric does not shrink, dries quickly, is easy to iron. </p> <p> <strong> Does not cause skin irritation </strong>. Smooth and soft 100% cotton bed is suitable for people with particularly sensitive skin and allergy sufferers. Due to its high hygienic qualities, delicate satin does not cause excessive sweating and itching. On the contrary, when the bed comes in contact with naked skin, the body experiences maximum comfort. </p> <p> <strong> Hygiene. </strong> The ability of the canvas to pass moisture and air does not allow the emergence and reproduction of pathogenic microbes, fungi and allergens in the bed . </p>
  • Bedding sets with a blanket, bedspread, blanket.

    Bedding sets with a blanket, bedspread, blanket.

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love-you----2-27 love-you----2-27
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Another beautiful bedding set by Love You . A bright pattern adorns the silk side of the bed set, which causes only positive emotions. The lower part made of jacquard will give you unforgettable softness during...
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This golden and luxurious bedding set from the Love You brand will give you unforgettable softness and comfort during sleep and relaxation. The size of the bed "Euro" is the best option for a large and spacious...
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Buy Love You satin hs 020 bedding set - to bring cosiness and bright colors to your bedroom. The bedding is made of natural 100% high quality cotton, soft, dense, pleasant to the touch, with a touch of shine....
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We offer you a wonderful Tivolyo Home FIORE PEMBE bedding set from a well-known Turkish manufacturer. The bedding is made of soft high-density ranforza, which will give you wonderful sleep and relaxation. A...
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Beautiful bedding from a Turkish manufacturer was created for your wonderful sleep and relaxation. Soft fabric, high density polycotton, gives you good mood and excellent sleep. A beautiful pattern will complement...
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A wonderful bed set Love You satin light is distinguished by its beautiful pattern and quality of fabric. Natural Turkish cotton tolerates washing, does not lose colors and is dense enough for long service....
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An interesting bedding set with a geometric pattern from the famous Turkish brand Love You. Soft satin will provide you and your loved ones a quiet sleep and a comfortable rest. In the catalog there are available...
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Beautiful pink Cotton Box SATEN MAHİDEVRAN PEMBE bedding will dilute the atmosphere in your bedroom and give you the most pleasant sleep and relaxation. Blotches of gray elements, twigs and leaves look original and...
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We are always happy to offer you the best bedding, and the Cotton Box MARİTİME SHİP MAVİ is one of the best in price and quality. The kit is made by a Turkish manufacturer from soft and strong ranforces, a large image...
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In a dream, a person spends 1/3 of his life. It is at night, in bed, that the body recovers, accumulates strength for the coming day. Naturally, the quality of bed linen plays a huge role in maintaining the health and youth of the body. It is not for nothing that since ancient times so much attention was paid to bed linen: it was an integral part of the dowry of a girl who was getting married; handed down from generation to generation; for the royal nobility, overseas silks were specially delivered for bedding. It may not sound strange now, but some 150 years ago it was possible to determine the social level of the family by the quality of bedding: peasants slept on straw, landowners on linen, the upper class in bed made of fine silk and cotton with the finest, delicate fabrics.

Nowadays, everyone can afford royal luxury in bed. The Sweet Home online store has collected a collection of the best, high-quality bedding sets from world famous brands and domestic manufacturers that produce LUXURY bedding made from natural fabrics.

The main criteria for choosing bed linen

  • Linen must breathe. During sleep, the human body evaporates up to 300-400 grams of moisture. The fabric of the bedding set must have good hygroscopicity - it instantly absorbs and passes moisture through the fibers with a quick drying effect. Breathable bedding does not impede the micro-circulation of air that occurs between the body and the sleeping area. This prevents profuse sweating during sleep, and also normalizes the internal microclimate in bed. The sleeping bed should not soar, or vice versa give away chill.
  • Natural fabrics. The best bed of natural fibers: linen, cotton, silk, cellulose, bamboo, cotton. The fabric may contain a small percentage of synthetic yarns that increase the wear resistance of the fabric, but not more than 10-15%.
  • Durable material. High-quality bed linen is designed for frequent washing. At the same time, the fabric cannot become thinner, shrink, shed or fade in the sun.
  • Comfortable to use. Bed should not accumulate static electricity. This is usually the "sin" of synthetic fabrics. It is also very important that the sheet is not slippery and does not move during sleep on the mattress. Of course, tactile sensations are important - the bed cannot cause skin irritation, be rough, too stiff. On contact with the body, you should feel silky, soft warmth, comfort, which causes relaxation of the whole body.
  • Easy care. It is important that the bed does not crumple and is well ironed. Also, a kit that can be washed with the addition of stain removers will retain its aesthetic appearance for much longer. Although, there is LUXURY textiles, which are subject only to specialized processing in dry cleaners.
  • Matching colors. The color of the kit is important for a harmonious stay. Ideally, it should be combined with wallpaper, upholstered furniture, curtains. This is the maximum program. At least the bed should correspond to the age category of its owners. People of venerable years are more suited to classic or floral motifs. Young people choose bright, extravagant underwear, often with geometric patterns or various prints of cars, animals, landscapes.
  • Suitable size. Naturally, the kit should ideally match the size of the pillow, blanket, mattress. The difference even in 10cm is always noticeable - the whole appearance of the bed is lost.

How to immediately recognize poor quality linen

  1. Loose weave of threads. The weave of fibers in a high-quality fabric is dense. If you hold such a fabric in your hands and put it in the sun, it will not be visible. Low-quality canvases have a loose weave of threads, vaguely similar to gauze. Naturally, such a bed will “creep apart” after washing or become covered with holes, scuffs after use within the first 2 weeks. Also, a loose weave of fibers leads to shrinkage - after washing, the fabric will become 20% smaller and a new set of linen may not fit on the blanket and pillow again.
  2. Not clear picture. A smeared, shrunken pattern with blurred outlines indicates non-compliance with technologies. As a rule, such fabrics fade after washing, quickly fade in the open sun, get a dirty hue.
  3. It is painted. If you draw a white sheet of paper over a multi-colored or plain canvas, it should not leave traces. The slightest tone on paper is evidence of unstable or poor-quality painting of the canvas. In the best case, such a bed will ruin the mood, mattress and bedding. At worst, the next morning there is rice to wake up with a multi-colored body.
  4. Has a chemical smell. Any unpleasant aroma from a set of bed linen indicates the content of synthetic fibers, toxic dyes or improper manufacturing and storage technology of garments. Sleeping in such underwear is simply dangerous. This can lead to allergic reactions, in asthmatics provoke an attack of suffocation.
  5. Poor-quality seams. When buying a bed, you should always look inside. If the seam is single with overlock processing of the sections, this indicates that the manufacturers were in a hurry, they sewed the bed without observing the technology. Quality bedding should have special linen seams. They provide a long service life of the bed, do not allow deformation during washing and ironing. You should also pay attention to the threads - they must match the color of the fabric 100%. If the tone of the threads and the bed are different, this is the first sign of handicraft.
  6. Cheap packaging. No image-respecting trade the brand does not skimp on packaging material for its products. If the bed linen is not sealed, there is a high probability that during transportation and storage in the warehouse, in the store, not only dust, but also fungal spores, microorganisms, bacteria could get inside.

Benefits of buying bedding at SweetHome

  • Only high quality natural materials . The canvases from which bed sets are sewn are made from high-quality natural, environmentally friendly raw materials. The fabrics belong to the hypoallergenic group. Conform to domestic state standard specifications.
  • Linen manufactured in compliance with European standards . We directly cooperate only with trusted large companies whose product quality is trusted all over the world.
  • Wide price range . In our online store you can buy an inexpensive set of bed linen made from natural fabrics, for example, bed linen from ranfors . And also the assortment offers premium textiles from expensive, exclusive fabrics.
  • Huge selection . We can satisfy the request of the most demanding customers. A large assortment of bedding sets is designed for people of different generations and lifestyles.
  • The ability to create a bedroom headset . It is easy to show design talent with Sweet Home. We have the opportunity to choose a bedspread, decorative pillows, rugs and other attributes of the interior for a harmonious image of the entire bedroom.



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